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معدات زراعية في الاردن


Petramix(clay can keep moistir in soil) is a natural mineral , the main constituent of which is aluminum silicate .

Petramix is 100% natural and eco-friendly ; no substance creating toxin effect is contained within itself .
Petramix is not water-soluble . it functions for a long time in soil texture .
Petramix is the best soil regulator and fertilizer additive which is known .
Petramix increases the water – holding capacity of soil . it retains beneficial elements and water in soil within itself and returns them to soil by slow oscillation . it prevents used fertilizers and nutrients in soil to be removed from soil by elutriation . 
Petramix retains toxins and heavy metals in soil within itself and prevents them from being extracted by the plant
Petramix keeps soil humid permanently and prevents duff layer forming of soil (cleavages in soil ) and soil hardening .
Petramix provides saving in irrigation (also decreases the number of irrigation). It provides fertilizer save .
Petramix regulates pH level of soil and enables its texture to remain active continuously .
Petramix it is used by the reason of overfertilization of soil and in the reclamation of lands which are inherently saline soils . it is the best soil regulator known . it is soil improver .
Petramix enhances the germination power of plant and prevents root rots ; helps the roots to be healthy .
Petramix prolongs the shelf-life of product by providing increase in productivity .
Petramix has high cation exchange capacity and additionally functions as a balance factor between plant and soil . it improves soil texture and structure .
Petramix must be absolutely used in especially sand and clay soils .
Petramix is essential for organic farming by virtue of its properties mentioned above .

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